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简介SDL2.0例子程序中的 testplatform项目代码分析 ,针对不同的平台 检测字节序 CPU支持的指令集 类型宽度 以及断言
代码+注释- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "SDL.h"
- #include "SDL_endian.h"
- #include "SDL_cpuinfo.h"
- #include "SDL_assert.h"
- /*
- * 该例子代码检测运行平台
- */
- //判断变量占用字节数 是否等于 hardcodetype
- static int
- badsize(size_t sizeoftype, size_t hardcodetype)
- {
- return sizeoftype != hardcodetype;
- }
- //检测系统是否出现错误类型 貌似用处不大这段坑爹代码
- //如果平台类型错误 返回1 否则返回 0
- int
- TestTypes(SDL_bool verbose)
- {
- int error = 0;
- //如果Uint8占用一个字节
- if (badsize(sizeof(Uint8), 1))
- {
- //如果Uint8不等于1那么输出 实际占用尺寸
- if (verbose)
- SDL_Log("sizeof(Uint8) != 1, instead = %u\n",
- (unsigned int)sizeof(Uint8));
- //错误次数++
- ++error;
- }
- //如如下类似 上述
- if (badsize(sizeof(Uint16), 2)) {
- if (verbose)
- SDL_Log("sizeof(Uint16) != 2, instead = %u\n",
- (unsigned int)sizeof(Uint16));
- ++error;
- }
- if (badsize(sizeof(Uint32), 4)) {
- if (verbose)
- SDL_Log("sizeof(Uint32) != 4, instead = %u\n",
- (unsigned int)sizeof(Uint32));
- ++error;
- }
- if (badsize(sizeof(Uint64), 8)) {
- if (verbose)
- SDL_Log("sizeof(Uint64) != 8, instead = %u\n",
- (unsigned int)sizeof(Uint64));
- ++error;
- }
- if (verbose && !error)
- SDL_Log("All data types are the expected size.\n");
- return (error ? 1 : 0);
- }
- //测试尾数 也就是机器的字节序
- //windows默认是小端模式
- //也就是 低位先存 原因是 堆栈是 由高地址向低地址扩展
- int
- TestEndian(SDL_bool verbose)
- {
- int error = 0;
- Uint16 value = 0x1234;
- int real_byteorder;
- Uint16 value16 = 0xCDAB;
- Uint16 swapped16 = 0xABCD;
- Uint32 value32 = 0xEFBEADDE;
- Uint32 swapped32 = 0xDEADBEEF;
- Uint64 value64, swapped64;
- //定义64位置 也就是 0x00000000EFBEADDE
- value64 = 0xEFBEADDE;
- //右移动32位 也就是四个字节
- value64 <<= 32;
- //将低位置为0xCDAB3412
- value64 |= 0xCDAB3412;
- //如下操作和value64雷同
- swapped64 = 0x1234ABCD;
- swapped64 <<= 32;
- swapped64 |= 0xDEADBEEF;
- //打印机器字节序 是大端模式还是小端模式
- if (verbose) {
- SDL_Log("Detected a %s endian machine.\n",
- (SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_LIL_ENDIAN) ? "little" : "big");
- }
- //我们自己判断字节序 将value转换为 char类型之后 由于数据丢失 变成了0x34 在windows下低位先存
- //所以 左移4位后变成了0x3了 也就是小端口模式
- if ((*((char *)&value) >> 4) == 0x1) {
- real_byteorder = SDL_BIG_ENDIAN;
- }
- else {
- real_byteorder = SDL_LIL_ENDIAN;
- }
- //如果我们分析的 真正的字节序不等于 SDL给出的字节序 那么 输出真正的字节序 error++
- if (real_byteorder != SDL_BYTEORDER) {
- if (verbose) {
- SDL_Log("Actually a %s endian machine!\n",
- (real_byteorder == SDL_LIL_ENDIAN) ? "little" : "big");
- }
- ++error;
- }
- //交换字节序 输出
- if (verbose) {
- SDL_Log("Value 16 = 0x%X, swapped = 0x%X\n", value16,
- SDL_Swap16(value16));
- }
- //如果交换后的值不等于 0xABCD
- if (SDL_Swap16(value16) != swapped16) {
- if (verbose) {
- SDL_Log("16 bit value swapped incorrectly!\n");
- }
- ++error;
- }
- //交换32位高度字节序
- if (verbose) {
- SDL_Log("Value 32 = 0x%X, swapped = 0x%X\n", value32,
- SDL_Swap32(value32));
- }
- if (SDL_Swap32(value32) != swapped32) {
- if (verbose) {
- SDL_Log("32 bit value swapped incorrectly!\n");
- }
- ++error;
- }
- if (verbose) {
- //如果是微软的编译器 也就是VC下 打印出64位的交换字节序之后的值
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- SDL_Log("Value 64 = 0x%I64X, swapped = 0x%I64X\n", value64,
- SDL_Swap64(value64));
- #else
- //如果是其他编译器 那么 64位置 ULONG 就需要定义为 unsigned long long 来代表 64位无符号 Integer
- SDL_Log("Value 64 = 0x%llX, swapped = 0x%llX\n",
- (unsigned long long) value64,
- (unsigned long long) SDL_Swap64(value64));
- #endif
- }
- //判断交换后的值是否等于 0x1234ABCDDEADBEEF;
- if (SDL_Swap64(value64) != swapped64) {
- if (verbose) {
- SDL_Log("64 bit value swapped incorrectly!\n");
- }
- ++error;
- }
- //返回错误状态
- return (error ? 1 : 0);
- }
- //检测CPU 的特性
- int
- TestCPUInfo(SDL_bool verbose)
- {
- if (verbose) {
- //打印CPU数量
- SDL_Log("CPU count: %d\n", SDL_GetCPUCount());
- //获取CPU Cache LIne的大小 即CPU 一次从主存Copy的内存大小
- SDL_Log("CPU cache line size: %d\n", SDL_GetCPUCacheLineSize());
- //CPU是否支持RDTSC指令 读取时间标签计数器
- SDL_Log("RDTSC %s\n", SDL_HasRDTSC() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- ///cpu 是否支持 Altivec AltiVec提供了32个128比特向量暂存器,与之相比,SSE和SSE2只提供了8个
- SDL_Log("AltiVec %s\n", SDL_HasAltiVec() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- //cpu是否支持 MMX指令
- SDL_Log("MMX %s\n", SDL_HasMMX() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- //CPU是否支持SIMD , 由AMD开发的一套SIMD多媒体指令集,支持单精度浮点数的矢量运算,用于增强x86架构的计算机在三维图像处理上的性能
- SDL_Log("3DNow! %s\n", SDL_Has3DNow() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- //cpu是否支持SSE
- SDL_Log("SSE %s\n", SDL_HasSSE() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- //SSE2是否支持 如下都是判断CPU是否支持一下加速指令集
- SDL_Log("SSE2 %s\n", SDL_HasSSE2() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- SDL_Log("SSE3 %s\n", SDL_HasSSE3() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- SDL_Log("SSE4.1 %s\n", SDL_HasSSE41() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- SDL_Log("SSE4.2 %s\n", SDL_HasSSE42() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- SDL_Log("AVX %s\n", SDL_HasAVX() ? "detected" : "not detected");
- //获取系统RAM大小 也就是内存大小
- SDL_Log("System RAM %d MB\n", SDL_GetSystemRAM());
- }
- return (0);
- }
- int
- TestAssertions(SDL_bool verbose)
- {
- //sdl断言
- SDL_assert(0);
- SDL_assert_release(1);
- SDL_assert_paranoid(1);
- SDL_assert(0 || 1);
- SDL_assert_release(0 || 1);
- SDL_assert_paranoid(0 || 1);
- #if 0 /* enable this to test assertion failures. */
- SDL_assert_release(1 == 2);
- SDL_assert_release(5 < 4);
- SDL_assert_release(0 && "This is a test");
- #endif
- {
- //获取所有的断言 链表 在调用SDL_GetAssertionReport 之前
- /************************************************************************/
- /*
- typedef struct SDL_assert_data
- {
- int always_ignore;
- unsigned int trigger_count;
- const char *condition;
- const char *filename;
- int linenum;
- const char *function;
- const struct SDL_assert_data *next;
- } SDL_assert_data; */
- /************************************************************************/
- const SDL_assert_data *item = SDL_GetAssertionReport();
- //我们发现就是取出所有的 断言结果 输出
- while (item) {
- SDL_Log("'%s', %s (%s:%d), triggered %u times, always ignore: %s.\n",
- item->condition, item->function, item->filename,
- item->linenum, item->trigger_count,
- item->always_ignore ? "yes" : "no");
- item = item->next;
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }
- int
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- SDL_bool verbose = SDL_TRUE;
- int status = 0;
- /* 设置特定日志的优先级 这里是应用程序日志 */
- //如果参数1= -q 那么设置 verbose=faslse
- if (argv[1] && (SDL_strcmp(argv[1], "-q") == 0)) {
- verbose = SDL_TRUE;
- }
- if (verbose) {
- SDL_Log("This system is running %s\n", SDL_GetPlatform());
- }
- //测试变量尺寸
- status += TestTypes(verbose);
- //测试尾数 也就是测试机器的字节序
- status += TestEndian(verbose);
- //测试CPU信息
- status += TestCPUInfo(verbose);
- //测试断言
- status += TestAssertions(verbose);
- return status;
- }